Saturday, 19 January 2013

...I would always tell the truth

Hi everybody! So this is the first post I am writing and let me tell you I am having difficulty getting started on this. I do not and never have felt comfortable writing down my feelings and sharing them with the world. I never really kept a journal or diary or anything as a kid and the few times I wrote stuff down, it was more a list of everything I did/ate that day (I love food), nothing to do with how I felt about this or that. However, for this blog I will try my very best to share my thoughts and views on various topics related to development and will allow you to do the same (just comment on the post).

I know a lot of you probably noticed the title and if you don’t know me you might think I am some kind of control freak dictator type personality who wants to rule the world. Well, if that is what you expected, sorry to disappoint, but I do not in any way want to rule the world. The title is a play on Dr. Seuss’ books “If I Ran the Circus” and “If I Ran the Zoo”. However, being an International Development student, this will be a blog centered around ways I think our world could be a better place. 

I will promise to be as truthful as possible in my posts, not just spewing out bullsh*t on paper to give the prof what I know they want to hear. I cannot promise I will always be consistent in my thoughts and feelings though. Some of my friends hate that I can be inconsistent with my views on different topics. How can I be an environmentalist yet want to travel around the world on planes, producing tons of carbon emissions? So feel free to point out that my logic does not make sense. But it will probably continue as I am human and we’re not exactly known for being the most logical beings.

So that's all for now and I hope you will join me on my adventure throughout the next year or so!